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Intelligent growth for sustainable success.

PORR deliberately focuses on its core competency: construction. Our goal is to provide as many services as possible from within the company itself. 

On the basis of our strategy of consistent growth, we have significantly strengthened our market position in recent years. Moreover, our collaboration with all key personnel across the PORR Group enables us to offer our customers a full service, from building construction and civil engineering to infrastructure construction and specialist civil engineering. 

We promote entrepreneurial action and teamwork. Clear responsibilities, lean, flexible structures, transparent leadership and rapid decision-making processes are additional key factors in our success. We also focus intensively on the future key issues of the construction sector: digitalisation and innovation. This makes us a dynamic company with strong growth potential.

Digitalisation: PORR is right on track for paperless construction sites.

Digitalisation has also come to the construction industry. Countries such as Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries are leading the way. At PORR we are well equipped in terms of digitalisation and we are a trailblazer in Austria.

For many years we have been working intensively on the topics of the future such as Building Information Modeling (BiM), paperless construction sites and the new world of work. The reason for this is plain to see: new technologies allow us to realise construction projects more quickly, more efficiently, more cost-effectively and, above all, more transparently. 

Future programme PORR 2025.

With the future programme PORR 2025, PORR is also continuing to focus on the strengths of the Group and optimising the efficiency of the organisation. Management structures are being streamlined, the business model sharpened and the portfolio selectively adjusted. 

"The future programme PORR 2025 is the largest transformation programme in the history of PORR," says Karl-Heinz Strauss, CEO of PORR.

Innovation permeates everything we do.

Innovation is what makes the difference. It yields competitive advantages. Innovation has played a central role at PORR from its very beginnings: as far back as the start of the 20th century, the inventions of the civil engineer and company’s namesake – Arthur Porr – led to a significant breakthrough in concrete construction.

Today the passion for innovation at PORR permeates everything we do and drives us forward everyday: every single PORRian is responsible for innovation. Their new ideas and creative concepts make PORR fit for the future. This is why we have established a central contact point at PORR: the “Technology Management and Innovation” department. It offers advice and support to our employees from the operating business.

The digital construction site: where design becomes reality.

At PORR we do not only think in three-dimensional terms with our BiM. We have recently implemented a 5D design system: the fourth dimension refers to the time aspect and the fifth is the costs. This leads to cost-savings, minimising errors, shorter decision-making phases, and a better flow of information. This benefits everyone involved in the project: our clients, our partners – and naturally us ourselves.

As we can see, investing in the future today really pays off.