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Press release

PORR secures another major order in Romania

Vienna/Bucharest, 15.02.2022 – PORR Romania has added a prestigious large-scale contract to its broad portfolio: the design and build of the Sibiu–Pitești motorway, section 4 (Tigveni – Curtea de Argeș). This involves a 9.86km section with a 1.35km tunnel. The total value of the contract is EUR 311m (RON 1.54 bn). The realisation period is 60 months.

“The Sibiu–Pitești motorway project is an important section of the Pan-European Corridor IV. We are proud to take on another key segment of this transport axis”, says PORR CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss. PORR is already responsible for the design and build of lot 1, a 13.7km stretch between Sibiu–Boița. Around 60% of that project has already been completed. “We see lot 4 as an especially exciting section”, says Strauss. PORR’s bundled knowhow in tunnelling and road construction will be applied in realising the project.

First twin motorway tunnel

The 9.86km motorway section has multiple challenging civil structures, including twelve bridges and overpasses as well as viaducts with an average length of 230m. The longest viaduct has a length of 630m. In addition, two motorway flyovers and an intersection in Tigveni are planned. As the lead contractor, PORR will build the country’s first twin motorway tunnel using an underground construction method. The tunnel will consist of two galleries that will be linked to each other by three passageways. The 1.35km structure, which will pass through the Momaia Mountain in Argeș county, is set to be a key addition to the existing road infrastructure.

The Sibiu–Pitești motorway has a total length of 123km, split into five lots. The significance for Romania’s road infrastructure lies in the fact that it is the shortest link between the west and south-east of the country. It is also the first motorway in Romania to cross the Carpathian Mountains. “PORR is playing a key part in connecting the central-western area of this country with the European road network”, says Strauss.

Facts and figures at a glance

Type of project: Design and build of the Sibiu–Pitești motorway; section 4: Tigveni–Curtea de Argeș
Scope of services: Design & build
Client: CNAIR (Compania Națională de Administrare a Infrastructurii Rutiere S.A. Romania)
Contractor: PORR Construct S.R.L.
Contract volume: around EUR 311m net (RON 1.54 bn) excluding contingency reserve
Project period: 60 months

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Jana Mašínová Press spokeswoman