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Press release

PORR delivers strong preliminary figures for 2022 and confirms positive guidance

  • Order backlog climbs to EUR 8.2 bn
  • Strong rise in production output (+8.7%) and revenue (+11.9%)
  • Solid EBT margin in line with expectations
  • Positive outlook for 2023

Vienna, 28.02.2023 – PORR’s initial performance and earnings indicators paint an excellent picture: PORR was able to make substantial gains in both production output and the order backlog. With an increase in the EBT margin as well, PORR remains well on track.

“For PORR, 2022 was a very positive year”, says CEO Karl-Heinz Strauss. “We were able to improve in every key area – and managed to do so in a very mixed economic environment with rising inflation”. As a construction company that excels in infrastructure, PORR is benefiting from sustained high demand in this area.

In the 2022 business year, PORR increased its production output to EUR 6,226m with growth of 8.7%. Revenue climbed by as much as 11.9% to EUR 5,786m. Projects in Austrian railway construction contributed to this, including in the Slab Track Austria area and major projects in Romania. With a share of 45.8%, Austria remained the most important market, followed by Germany and Poland. Profitability was also successfully safeguarded: With an EBT margin of 1.8%, the 2022 result surpassed the previous year’s value by 28.9%.

The order backlog reached a new high of EUR 8,204m, with every area contributing to the 5.7% growth. The order backlog is thereby once again far higher than the value of a year’s output. The order intake increased by a further 3.8% to reach EUR 6,659m. The major new orders in 2022 include several projects in industrial construction. The largest is the reconstruction and new construction of part of the BMW Group plant in Munich. Also added were two new data centres in Berlin and Jawczyce, Poland, as well as the new corporate headquarters of the electricity grid operator PSE in Poland.

Based on the current framework conditions, the Executive Board expects production output for the 2023 financial year to at least match the level of the previous year, along with a further increase in earnings. The assessment of future business performance is based on current targets in the individual areas as well as the opportunities and risks currently prevailing in the respective markets.

PORR will publish the final figures along with its first combined report containing both the Annual Report and Sustainability Report on 30 March 2023.


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Jana Mašínová Press spokeswoman