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PORR to build the Nová Paka bypass - construction work will start in September

Prague, 19.07.2022 - PORR a.s. has signed a contract for the construction of the Nová Paka bypass on the I/16 road. About 16,000 cars pass through the town of 9,000 residents every day, the construction of the bypass will thus significantly relieve it of transit traffic. The route of the new section will be 8.5 kilometres long and will comprise of 13 bridges including a half-kilometre-long flyover. The investor is Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic.

The bypass will be connected to the existing I/16 road both at the beginning and end. In the direction from Jičín it will start in front of Kumburský Újezd, and it will then run between Nová Paka and the surrounding areas of Heřmanice and Štikov. It will reconnect to the I/16 in Vidochov. Approximately halfway along the route, a flyover will be built over a deep valley. The project also takes into account the placement of 22 noise barriers, which together will measure more than 4 kilometres.

"We have sufficient experience and expertise in building such large construction projects. We have demonstrated both, for example, during the construction of the recently completed, more than seven-kilometre-long section of the D11 motorway between Smiřice and Jaroměř," said Vladimír Řípa, Director of the Major Projects division at PORR a.s..

PORR a.s. will be the exclusive contractor of the motorway bypass thanks to its comprehensive portfolio of services. Several divisions from across the company will cooperate on the construction – Major Projects, Bridge Construction, Special Foundations and the Bohemia - Central region. The project was designed by the company, Metroprojekt.

The construction work should start in September and the bypass should be available to drivers in 2024.

Facts and figures at a glance

Type of project: Construction of a new 8.5 km long motorway bypass of the town Nová Paka, according to FIDIC Red Book.
Scope of services: New construction - road and bridge construction
Client: Ředitelství silnic a dálnic ČR (Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic)
Contractor: PORR a.s.
Service period: 34 months until the bypass is open to traffic, 40 months until the end of construction

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Jana Mašínová Press spokeswoman