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171 results

31. 230130 Press Release Motol EN

- 230130 Press Release Motol EN 230130 Press Release Motol EN New Simulation Centre at the University Hospital in Motol PORR has been awarded another public contract using the Design & Build method…

32. PORR has been awarded another public contract using the Design & Build method

- Prague, 30 01.2023 - PORR won the public tender for the construction of the building of the Intensive Medicine Simulation Centre at the Motol University Hospital in Prague. The contract was awarded…

33. PORR closes strong 3rd quarter

- Solid order backlog of EUR 7,863m Production output with a plus of 9.4% Increase in EBT to EUR 57.5m Earnings forecast 2022 over EUR 100.0m Optimistic outlook for 2023  …

34. 221128 Q3 2022 FINAL en

- 221128 Q3 2022 FINAL en 221128 Q3 2022 FINAL en Press Release PORR closes strong 3rd quarter • • • • • Solid order backlog of EUR 7,863m Production output with a plus of 9.4% Increase in EBT to…

35. Media library

- PICTURES Headquarters Prague. Headquarters Prague. Pictures Repair of the Barrandov bridge. Repair of the Barrandov bridge. PICTURES Pardubice Stadium. Pardubice Stadium. PICTURES Videos.…

36. Repair of the Barrandov bridge.

- Back to media library Before reconstruction Milling Strakonická ramp demolition Ledge removal Rebar and works inside the bridge Concreting Night shift Bridge conclusion Asphalt…

37. Pardubice stadium.

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38. Headquarters Prague.

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39. Barrandov Bridge is back in full operation FINAL ENG

- Barrandov Bridge is back in full operation FINAL ENG Barrandov Bridge is back in full operation FINAL ENG Tisková zpráva Barrandov Bridge is back in full operation Prague, 17 October 2022 - On…

40. Corporate Policy EN

- Corporate Policy EN Corporate Policy As a national and international construction company, PORR offers all services along the construction value chain from a single source through its technological…
Search results 31 until 40 of 171